Mata Air Pikiran Mengalir Membentuk Kenyataan

  • Opini Kompas | IMF dan Malapraktik Diplomasi

    Jusman Dalle | Opini Harian Kompas Pemerintah memastikan bakal memberikan bantuan pinjaman kepada Dana Moneter Internasional (IMF) sebesar 1 miliar dollar AS atau sekitar Rp 9,4 triliun. Terkait komitmen Indonesia ini, Menteri Koordinator Perekonomian Hatta Rajasa mengatakan, IMF diharapkan tidak hanya menggunakan pinjaman ini untuk membantu negara-negara di Eropa, tetapi juga negara-negara di Asia dan Afrika.

  • Opini Republika | Urgensi Badan Haji

    Jusman Dalle - Opini Republika | Untuk mencapai tujuan pertama yaitu manfaat transformasi manajemen, Badan Haji yang nantinya bakal berfungsi sebagai eksekutor saja, merampingkan organisasi serta secara otomatis memotong rantai birokrasi bertingkat dan kompleks yang melibatkan banyak institusi. Badan Haji juga mengakhiri rezim monopoli kewenangan sebab Kemenag tinggal memegang satu fungsi, yaitu sebagai regulator sementara Komisi VIII DPR yang membawahi persoalan haji, berfungsi sebagai evaluator.

  • Profil Jusman Dalle

    Jusman juga menekuni digital marketing. Merancang dan membuat konten digital berupa tulisan (copywriter), visual dan audio visual untuk sejumlah perusahaan dan institusi skala nasional. Antara lain Partai Gerindra, Kedutaan Besar Jerman, Taksi Ekspress, Bank BTN, PLN, XL Axiata, Agung Podomoro Land, True Money, dll.

  • Rawan Pangan Negeri Pertanian

    Jusman Dalle - Opini Koran Tempo | Program revitalisasi sektor pertanian yang pernah dijanjikan sejak 2005 masih sebatas lip service. Infrastruktur irigasi rusak parah, jalanan di desa-desa basis pertanian pun belum memadai. Rencana pemerintah untuk membagikan tanah seluas 9,25 juta hektare juga baru sebatas “angin surga”.


Did This Politician Plagiarize a Student’s Qaddafi Op-Ed?

Anita Rachman | January 14, 2012 | The Jakarta Globe
Indonesian lawmaker Marwan Jafar is in the hot seat after being accused of passing off a Makassar student’s work as his own in an opinion article published in a leading national newspaper on Friday.

Jusman Dalle, the Makassar student, took to Twitter on Friday morning to accuse the House chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) of plagiarism.

He later told the Jakarta Globe that he was reading Koran Tempo and was surprised to come across Marwan’s piece, because it looked so much like an opinion piece he had written for the Internet news portal

“Twitter is effective, it spreads news very quickly. I intentionally mentioned some House members, such as deputy House speakers Anis Matta and Pramono Anung, because they have a lot of followers,” said Jusman, who is an active member of Indonesian Muslim Student Action Unity (Kammi), a national group.

Marwan wrote an opinion piece on Libya’s energy management after the death of the country’s leader, Muammar el-Qaddafi, for the paper’s Friday edition. His piece was titled “Libyan Energy Management Post-Gaddafi.”

Jusman touches on the same issue in his piece, which appeared on Oct. 25, 2011, under the title, “Quo Vadis Libya?”

At least 10 of the 13 paragraphs in Marwan’s piece bear a striking resemblance to Jusman’s, the only difference being the arrangement of the paragraphs and the use of a few different words.

Speaking to the Jakarta Globe, Marwan denied plagiarizing Jusman’s work, but conceded errors may have been made.

“The allegations aren’t true,” he said. “It’s a technical error on the part of my aides. They may have forgotten to cite a source.”

Imam Nahrawi, secretary general of the PKB, said it was unlikely that Marwan would have plagiarized his article in Koran Tempo.

“Pak Marwan is very creative. He is a diligent writer. I am not sure that he would do such thing,” he said, adding that the party would summon Marwan to clarify the matter.

Koran Tempo’s managing editor, Yos Rizal, said the newspaper would compare the two articles before making a statement.

If the allegation is proven to be true, Koran Tempo will blacklist Marwan, Yos said. But he added that they would wait for Jusman to write a letter to the editor.

Jusman said he and Kammi would submit a complaint to the House Ethics Council next week. “As for Koran Tempo, I will send them a letter tomorrow,” the student said.